New Roomba 880 Recently Released

The new Roomba 880 looks pretty slick. Even the 3rd party reviews agree it pulls up around 50% more dust than before. Probably worth the upgrade. And definitely worth it…

Mutation Once Thought to Imply 300% Greater Risk of Type 2 Diabetes; Found to be 200% Protective Against Type 2 Diabetes

For a long time, scientists assumed that having dysfunctional Zinc transport in your blood was bad. That’s understandable. In mice, having this mutation increases incidence of Type 2…

Become a Fulbright Scholar

Wanna travel, teach, learn, research, and live a generally awesome life? They have a job title for that: Fulbright Scholar. Applications are open for American professionals or academics…

Some Interns Earn $7,000+ Per Month

High salaries are nice, but I recommend choosing an internship based on how well you can launch your career afterwards. Most Bay Area companies are good for this….

The 168 Hour Cell Phone Battery

Companies like Apple and HTC have determined that making phones even 0.2mm slimmer is what consumers want, even if it comes at the expense of swappable batteries. The main problem…

Berkeley’s Most Overrated Vegan Restaurant

My 1-photo review of Gather.

Our Mathematical Universe

68% of Americans Suffer from ‘Compulsive Gadget Hoarding’

Many of my friends track their possessions and strive to own less than 100 things at any one time. I’ve previously done this and found it surprisingly liberating. As they say,…

Use Empire Avenue to Grow your Social Audience

Want a responsive early audience that’s heavily invested in social media? Empire Avenue is good for that.

TONIGHT: MIRI Expansion Party with One Medical Group

Exciting MIRI announcements happening tonight! RSVP if you’re coming. Jupiter2181 Shattuck AveBerkeley, CA 94704 7:00-9:00pm #omMIRIexpansion

Unexpected low-dose toxicity of the universal solvent DMSO

In the US: The most commonly used medical solvent besides saline turns out to be even more toxic than we thought. That’s kinda sad considering we already knew…